User experience
Aura NGO mission is to develop a seizure detection system that will have a positive impact on the daily lives of people with epilepsy.
To do this, we are working with patient associations, the Teppe Institute and the Grenoble psychology laboratory on the acceptability and use that patients will have of this detection system. We are completing the process by designing a companion mobile application that will allow patients to better "control" their disease and promote exchanges with their neurologist.
You can find all our most recent productions below.
Design of the companion mobile application:Aura
2021 - 2022
We have developed a human-centered approach in order to understand the daily life of patients as well as their relationship with the medical professionals and their entourage. Frequent discussions have enabled us to co-develop a connected patch along with a companion mobile application that responds to the real needs of patients (getting to safety in complete autonomy, interacting with entourage in the event of a seizure, relaxing thanks to adapted breathing exercises, discovering tips and tricks from other victims) The involvement of people with epilepsy, patient associations and health professionals in this conception process was essential in order to design a first application that would be as helpful as possible in their daily lives.
Design de l'application mobile compagnon AURA
2020 - 2021
Nous avons mis en œuvre une approche centrée sur l'humain afin de comprendre le quotidien des patients ainsi que leurs relations avec le corps médical et leurs entourage. De fréquents échanges nous permettent ainsi de co-développer un patch connecté accompagné d'une application mobile compagnon répondant aux besoins réels des patients (se mettre à l'abri en toute autonomie, interagir avec son entourage en cas de crise, se détendre grâce à des exercices de respiration adaptés, découvrir les trucs et astuces d'autres patients). L'implication des personnes épileptiques, des associations de patients et des professionnels de santé dans ce processus de conception a été primordiale afin de concevoir une première application qui soit la plus utile possible dans leur vie quotidienne.
Study on the acceptability and take-up of connected systems
2020 - 2021
It is essential to evaluate the perceptions of people suffering from epilepsy concerning connected objects: representations, acceptability factors, acceptance. With the University of Grenoble Alpes (Inter-University Laboratory of Psychology) and the neurologists of La Teppe, we would like to know more about your life and what you think about these technological solutions.
Learning from exchanges with people with epilepsy
Sheizeen, designer of the Aura community, has conducted rich exchanges with various people suffering from epilepsy from the association Épilepsie France. She shares with us the main lessons learned from these discussions as well as her recommendations for the development of a connected patch.
User experience for the companion mobile application
On the occasion of the CRI Summer school, a multidisciplinary group of students worked with the AURA team and patients from the association Epilepsie France to design several mock-ups of a companion mobile application that would give more autonomy and comfort in the daily life of patients.